

It involves applying continuous pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the interior layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This technique aids in breaking up scar tissue that forms after an injury and reduces strain in muscle and tissue making it a perfect type of massage therapy for athletes.Deep tissue massage is best suited for people who engage in highly physical activities, such as running, or those who have an injury or chronic pain. If you have a low pain threshold or are looking for relief of tense muscles, Swedish massage is gentler and may be a better option.A deep tissue massage can be full-body or focused only on one area. You will begin lying on your back or stomach and under a sheet. It's up to you to determine your level of undress. Deep tissue massages begin as a more traditional relaxation massage.Deep tissue massages may cause you a little discomfort or slight pain in the areas that are causing you trouble. Discomfort is normal with this type of massage therapy. Most clients say it's a “good hurt” where it's a little uncomfortable but feels good at the same time.

The main difference between Swedish massage and deep tissue massage is the amount of pressure used by your massage therapist. Deep tissue massage uses more pressure than Swedish massage. But there are lots of other reasons you may prefer one massage technique over the other. Deep tissue massage will work out the knots from stressed, overworked muscles and connective tissue (fascia) to alleviate immediate pain, as well as chronic joint and muscle pain. It also promotes faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

Deep tissue massage reduces stress and tension, which impacts blood pressure. Massage has positive impacts on systolic, diastolic, and arterial blood pressure. The massage can also increase production of serotonin, which promotes good feelings and happiness.

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