
Full Body Massage Spa

In a full-body massage, a therapist will massage the entire body during a therapeutic massage. Sessions typically last a minimum of 50 minutes which allows enough time to work over all the major areas of the body like the back, shoulders, legs, feet, arms, hands, and neck.

Massage Therapy helps promote blood and lymph flow through the muscles by causing friction between your skin and our hands. This helps dilate the blood vessels (making them bigger) to help the increase the flow and remove waste products from the blood.Help reduce stress. Lessen pain and muscle tightness. Increase relaxation. Improve the work of the immune system.

A full-body massage is good for your heart as well. The vasodilation produced by massage increases your venous return which, in turn, increases blood flow and delivery of oxygen to all your organs. Your entire cardiovascular system relaxes and circulation throughout your body improves. It is also a great way to relieve stress and anxiety, enhance mood, and improve sleep quality.

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